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Everybody wants free beer and food. Not everybody deserves free beer and food. We like to give stuff away to the beer-impoverished in Green Bay. But we also like to make money, so we can make more beer. Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know. Well, I guess barley grows on stalks, and hops grow on bines (look it up, we promise that is the right spelling!), and yeast is a living growing organism, but you know... we still need to pay our brewmaster. That said, here’s our donation policy:


Copper State Brewing Co. makes donations to charitable events as our way of giving back some of the love that our community has shown us since we opened our doors. To do this, we have a donation committee that reviews the plethora of donation requests that come in and determines which ones are a good fit for Copper State.


If you have a donation or sponsorship request, please read the guidelines below. Then, fill out and submit the form at the bottom of this page if your event qualifies.


Donation Guidelines

We’ll be honest with you—Copper State gets a lot of requests for donations. And we can’t blame you—free things are great, especially if beer is involved. Due to the high volumes of requests, we have established some guidelines to help us help you. If you’ve got a good reason why we should donate to your cause, by all means please let us know. Bear in mind that selling our beer is a big part of our business plan, so please don’t ask us to donate beer for your wedding or office party. We will laugh at your request and then we will offer to let you buy some beer from us.


Requests must be placed at least 30 days prior to your event. Once we review your request we will get back to you with a decision.


We have chosen a few areas of interest which fit within the mission and culture at Copper State Brewing Company. These are areas to which we are often willing to donate:

  • Education

  • Arts and Culture

  • Environment

  • Human Services


In the same vein, here are some areas and organizations to whom we will not donate:

  • Organizations without 501 (c)(3) status

  • Political organizations/campaigns

  • Athletes/recreational teams

  • Evil pirates

  • People who like Miller Lite (kidding not kidding)


Additional Details

  • If your event is in less than 30 days, it will automatically be declined. We have to plan ahead, you should too.

  • All donations must be submitted online. We do not accept paper, telephone, or in-person donation requests, unless you are over 85 years old and can’t figure out that new-fangled computer fad we’ve got going on.

  • The organization must provide a liquor license (or proper permits where applicable) in order to receive any donation of beer.

  • You will be notified via email whether your request has been approved or denied, within two to three weeks of your request. If you are approved, you may commence rejoicing—we recommend celebrating with a beer and dinner at Copper State. If you are denied, you may morosely make your way into Copper State and drown your sorrows in delicious beer in our taproom. Either way, you win.



Donation Request Form


313 Dousman St

Green Bay, WI 54303

Map It

Tel (920) 489-8575


Coffee Mon-Fri starting at 6:30am, Sat at 7am

Restaurant Mon-Sat 11am-9pm

Bar Mon-Sat 11am-10pm

Sunday Closed




Copyright 2018 Copper State Brewing Co
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